Tori Spelling

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Shoe Size: 6 US edit
Birthplace: United States edit
Birth Date: 1973-05-16 edit
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User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Sandman 1
Member since 05/2021
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛8
2024-09-13 10:16:55
Never found her attractive, but she does have pretty feet!
Member since 04/2022
2024-08-06 02:08:10
How the mighty have fallen. She and her feet looked better with the extra 50 pounds
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2011
High Knight (Level 5)♛36
2024-09-13 10:00:17
Apparently. her mother doesn't trust her with the family money, so Ms. Tori is considering the OF direction to bring in some cash.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 09/2019
2024-04-09 20:25:30
Wow, they look pretty amazing here.
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Ye Olde Doc
Member since 08/2019
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛89
2024-04-09 20:27:44
Honestly to me this pic looks like a bad blow up doll with all that smoothing, filtering and prominent face paint. However, from other pic, she does at least have good feet.
Member since 12/2015
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛28
2024-04-09 21:16:35
Yip, my 1st thought was "That one better stay away from a cactus!".
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 03/2024
2024-04-01 22:17:43
They are great looking feet
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 10/2021
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛50
2024-03-08 18:16:28
Those toes are calling my name
Member since 09/2018
2022-02-26 06:38:59
Tori should NEVER wear makeup.
Member since 08/2023
2023-10-15 22:52:48
Absolutely! This was her at peak beauty!
Member since 01/2014
2023-07-17 09:58:29
So so cute!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2011
High Knight (Level 5)♛36
2023-06-21 15:37:35
More marital problems for our Miss Tori. She won't miss him, but you can bet all you got he'll miss these gorgeous puppies.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 04/2016
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛3
2023-05-19 07:19:22
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2011
High Knight (Level 5)♛36
2023-04-19 14:26:52
She used to have a very unique look about her, but now she looks exactly like one of or all of the Kardashians....(not a good thing).
Member since 04/2011
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)♛1
2022-11-19 12:16:07
I'm not really a fan of Tori but she has very elegant legs and feet
Member since 06/2021
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛5
2022-08-19 16:23:35
Whoa Whoa Whoa!! Don't be so greedy some for me!!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2012
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)♛1
2022-08-19 16:20:39
User rated ★★★(ok feet)
Member since 05/2019
2021-09-04 15:35:17
it's funny to see guys in here calling tori horse face or ugly. like anyone would ever believe u would turn her dow or look past her if she was walking down the street. maybe she didnt have that typically Hollywood look but she's definitely pretty. and yes she had facelifts get over it this is a site for us foot weirdos... nothing else
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Ye Olde Doc
Member since 08/2019
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛89
2022-07-04 21:25:19
IF I didn't know who she is, or her money situation (father amassed some nice cash in the industry), I'd turn her down either before or after her surgery!!! And now I'm not young myself (and have no surgery to "help" lol(... but it would still hold. - Given all that however, I think her feet are more than just fine, indeed she has feet superior to most women.
You can call whoever a weirdo, but even with good feet, I would not have pursued a face that bad when I was younger, and now that I'm older (and admittedly less picky), I'd run away from an altered face as I find that even more repulsive. Sorry but even some of your described "weirdos" have minimum standards.
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 04/2020
2022-06-16 14:56:00
Hmmm A more slender and fit Tori has translated to more shapely feet. Not bad.
Member since 09/2018
2022-03-11 03:48:58
Walk of shame?
Member since 09/2018
2021-04-14 06:51:23
Top of her game in this shot
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2011
High Knight (Level 5)♛36
2021-04-14 06:53:39
Oh yeah, before she went crazy with the plastic surgery, she was a very beautiful woman.
Member since 10/2012
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted UploaderModerator♛92
2021-11-19 15:28:43
Ĉi tiu bildo estas klasika
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2011
High Knight (Level 5)♛36
2021-08-15 14:29:03
What in the literal (CAPITAL) F did she have done to herself??? Is that one of those TJ Maxx facelifts?
Member since 11/2016
2021-08-15 14:21:19
I love when they know they have beautiful feet.
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 04/2020
2021-04-13 17:06:39
Beautiful feet..really?
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