Linda Hamilton (I)

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Shoe Size: 7.5 US edit
Birthplace: United States edit
Birth Date: 1956-09-26 edit
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User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2023
2023-12-07 22:35:47
Member since 03/2019
2024-08-31 22:30:38
Seeing this movie when I was young made me realize I had a thing for feet
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2009
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛9
2024-08-16 11:29:29
She was my first foot superstar. Her bulbous honkers define state of the art.

It's a crime against humanity there's barely 2/3 of a page of her, and most of that blurry screen caps from Terminator*.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 07/2019
2024-08-15 05:25:35
Why illegal? I simply uploaded same pics but in higher resolution?
Member since 04/2022
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛50
2024-08-15 06:02:25
it means overlimit
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2017
2021-09-27 07:21:42
So great! Pretty woman, love that compact athletic build and those strong sexy feet!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 06/2015
2024-03-31 07:24:42
No podrΓ­a haberlo dicho mejor
Member since 03/2013
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛45
2023-07-18 07:44:48
Still sexy
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 10/2017
2023-08-18 07:56:08
Thank you! I found this photo by accident. But after I downloaded it, my uploading privileges have been revoked.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2013
Trusted Uploader♛20
2023-03-06 00:36:24
She has perfect natural feet. She's so lucky that Jennifer Lawrence paved the way for women like her to lead a blockbuster action movie.
Member since 03/2013
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛45
2023-07-18 07:45:55
Linda was playing leading roles before Jennifer Lawrences mom reached puberty.
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 05/2011
High Knight (Level 5)♛36
2023-01-05 09:09:28
Giving off a Roseanne Arquette vibe.
Member since 05/2015
2019-07-31 16:08:38
is it me or is she a female version of Bruce Willis?
Member since 02/2012
2019-09-27 17:31:54
I see more of a resemblance to Brad Maule.
Member since 11/2019
2022-10-04 11:45:45
Member since 01/2015
Devoted Guilder (Level 3)♛10
2022-10-04 11:54:51
That would be Rumer...
Member since 03/2013
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛45
2022-09-06 07:38:36
Still killin it but no fresh pics?

Newest are 20 years old.

We got the best uploader’s ever someone should be able to locate more better later.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 07/2019
2022-02-05 15:47:31
Some older screenshots in better quality
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 12/2009
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)♛2
2021-08-09 02:29:37
Too bad you're missing the other Children of the Corn stills. i got it, but low quality :(
Member since 11/2019
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛3
2021-03-05 12:53:00
Although she is over the hump, her feet are sweet.
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 05/2011
High Knight (Level 5)♛36
2021-03-05 13:28:31
She was a major badass in T-1 though.
Member since 11/2012
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2020-10-28 15:35:03
I love those feet like Cassidy freeman perfect
Member since 04/2020
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)
2020-04-06 04:16:00
I felt sorry for her when they zapd her in the terminator when they had to force her to take her medication but I’m sure they had no other option.
I do have to say she has really really nice feet and it really turned me on when they did what they did to her and I think were kicking out and I would like to have been the person who was standing over her well her feet were kicking out
Member since 01/2019
Devoted Guilder (Level 3)♛73
2020-01-15 12:07:08
If anyone wants to post photos of the opening scene of Dark Fate where young Sarah Connor is barefoot, don't post them here, post them on the photo of her body double.
Member since 12/2013
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)♛2
2020-01-16 15:46:16
Thank you! I was just searching up to see who was really doing that scene.
Member since 11/2012
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)♛1
2020-01-26 05:57:47
They looked hideous in that scene
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 01/2011
Devoted Guilder (Level 3)♛12
2020-04-01 17:07:22
Not sure if you knew this....Linda Hamilton does indeed have an identical twin. She was used in the second Terminator movie, back in 1991 I believe.
Member since 09/2016
2017-03-02 14:17:58
I will ask; "is this what some people describe as 'Flinstones feet' ?" This is asked without sarcasm. When I see this term in this website, I always wonder what they mean.
Member since 02/2012
2019-09-27 17:45:30
I think that refers to short toes. I once saw the actress Natalie Raitano say she has Barney Rubble feet.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2009
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛9
2020-04-01 16:32:37
Well, Linda's the perfect woman for you since y'all have Fred Flintstone bellies!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2017
2019-10-09 16:48:35
Linda is one of my crush's in Terminater Judgement Day sexy feet sexy woman. πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
Member since 01/2014
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)♛1
2019-08-06 19:14:53
Cleavage stole the attention in this picture
Member since 07/2019
2019-07-31 16:34:45
My favourite scene with linda is from Terminator 2 where she escapes the hospital barefoot. The cameraman, unfortunately, wasn't the best one out there...
User rated ★★★(ok feet)
Member since 11/2017
2019-06-17 08:16:27
A VHS slow-mo classic from Children of the Corn (1984)
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