The comment section is intended for intellectual discussions over symmetry and aesthetics.
Insultive/bigoted/sexually explicit comments and political discussions are prohibited.
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A Goddess. placed on this planet to enjoy her natural acting talent, her eyes, personality and her her legs and and feet! The Lord sent her here for us to cherish and worship!!!!
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 09/2019 ♛16
2023-07-22 06:39:22
Great legs!
Member since 07/2013 ♛3
2022-02-13 21:10:24
Her toes look good natural
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 07/2018 ♛5
2020-09-30 06:12:22
Love the naturals. All of them.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 07/2018 ♛5
2020-09-30 06:10:08
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 07/2018 ♛5
2020-09-30 06:09:44
Would love to give her a full tilt.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Burned down
Member since 11/2015 ♛7
2019-07-19 08:28:13
gorgeous soles
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Burned down
Member since 11/2015 ♛7
2019-06-02 08:06:50
perfect angle for what I have in mind....
Member since 03/2017 ♛8
2018-09-03 10:58:24
Wow 😮
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 02/2012 ♛11
2016-03-28 17:27:16
Phenomenal!!!!!!!! LOVE those toes!!!
Member since 12/2014 ♛3
2016-09-05 16:20:23
Love her stomach
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 02/2014 ♛7
2018-06-22 07:52:18
A gorgeous woman from the beautiful province of British Columbia and another member of:
She looked super plain on Arrow--considering she was held in a prison camp on a deserted island and dressed in very plain attire with no makeup, I guess it's understandable. Never knew she was so pretty and her feet were so good looking.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2012 ♛54
2016-03-28 12:43:47
Love it!!!!!
johnny rogers
Member since 05/2015
2015-11-17 00:12:03
I believe I uploaded a handful of her's before after watching the movie "Girlhouse 2014", tried getting all the female actresses from that movie on here. She does have sexy little feets lol. Hope she takes more pics of her feet in future.
Member since 10/2015
2015-11-17 00:14:16
All the pictures here have been uploaded by Creon
User rated ★★★(ok feet)
Member since 05/2015 ♛2
2015-11-17 00:15:35
I wouldn't considere 8,5us a little comparing to average
Member since 12/2010 ♛7
2015-11-17 00:18:34
Agree with @Dadramel.
johnny rogers
Member since 05/2015
2016-03-28 11:46:23
fuck, i tried searching site for her name and nothing shows up until after you start uploading the pictures, which most were already here anyway... I hate the search on this site lately.. >_<
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 11/2009 ♛3
2015-10-22 22:29:10
@BiB - is she trying to lure us into checking out her feet?
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 09/2010 ♛69
2015-10-22 23:24:38
@ILF- I'm certain that's her game! She's dedicated, I'll say that for her! WOOF WOOF! I'm in! #dognfeet
Member since 11/2009 ♛3
2015-07-06 04:54:30
How did this bath pic slip by? #bath and pretty #wetfeet too.
Member since 09/2010 ♛69
2015-10-22 23:24:06
Bath? Slip? I see what you did there. It's a nice one for sure!